
Amazon allows loaning for Kindle books

I know there was some demand for this feature. Too bad there are strings attached, but at least this is better than nothing. Second, later this year, we will be introducing lending for Kindle, a new feature that lets you […]

Zumba on the Kinect

OMG, #Zumba game for the #Kinect ! https://amzn.to/cdxfCu

Cybertecture Mirror

Cyber Mirror On the Wall

This seems like the perfect tool for a HealthVault enabled world. The bathroom is already a place where you’re thinking about your health and personal care, so providing a… This seems like the perfect tool for a HealthVault enabled world. The bathroom is already

Zune Mixview

Interesting: the first concept (where they are presenting works that are referenced-in and referencing the title in question) reminds me of the Zune Mixview (which shows artists who influence and are influenced-by the explored artist).

Kindle 3 released

The Kindle 3 was released yesterday. I read about it on my iPad. RT @ConanOBrien

toilet paper tube extension cord holder

Storing extension cords

This is a fantastic idea! I’ve been using twist-ties and it ends up a mess. [Stephanie Winston’s Best Organizing Tips via Unclutterer]

widgets on the iPad

Q: Why have you veered away from widgets on the iPad? A: We just shipped it on Saturday. And then we rested on Sunday. Q: So widgets are possible? A: Everything is possible. Steve Jobs [via Gizmodo]