
Viewers can buy items while watching on Telly (Image credit: TheTake)

Second Screens With a 10 Foot UI

When we talk about the “second screen”, typically one would think of using your phone/tablet/laptop while watching a TV. At

Side-by-side comparison of Samsung Ballie vs Disney Pixar WALL-E

Samsung Ballie not WALL-E

It’s that time of year: CES. In 2024 we are seeing a resurgence of robots, taking advantage of multi-modal inputs

Netflix live stream of Stranger Things episode - with comment feed below

Livestreaming Hollywood Movies

Interesting – Netflix streaming Stranger Things, for free, on TikTok live. This is a great example of taking old media


I saw this at Uncubed Scout NYC yesterday. Super useful! Yesterday I trekked down to New York City for a