ITP Class: Spatial Media

Spatial Media was a class at NYU ITP taught by Brett Renfer and Jeff Crouse.

Team photo for the Alamo art installation project


This project was meant to augment an existing public space; in this case it was Alamo (aka Astor Place Cube).

submo - subway interactive art project

Project name: Submo

Project name: Submo Group members: Xinran Wang, Peiqi Su Code: And a sample from the in-class demo:

Assignment 5, Group 6

Looking at the Astor Place Cube (Alamo) and the Washington Square Park fountain (Tisch fountain) carljamilkowski, Harry, and FangYu

Light Strings Digital Prototype

This prototype was meant to simulate the projected strings between tables and what happens when you “pluck” them (walk across).

Star Trek – Red Alert

In Star Trek, the actors would shift back and forth when the ship was supposed to be under attack. This

Health Dashboard Prototype

This is a prototype for a dashboard that visually represents a person’s health with color, movement, and sound (not captured

The Line at Whole Foods Union Square, NYC

Whole Foods Line

An assignment at NYU’s ITP to observe interactions in public spaces. The Whole Foods in Union Square is very busy