
pill piece (aka doped up)

Doped Up

I collaborated on this piece – commentary about the over-prescribing of drugs in America. It is meant to be an […]

Laptop surgery

Laptop surgery #MacbookAir – thanks @iFixit !

notification watches

Calendar Reminder Prototype

I worked on this project with Caroline (she calls it Nudge, see more on her site). Essentially, it fetches Google


I created a robotic ventriloquist dummy for a performer friend. This involved dissecting an off-the-shelf doll toy.

Skull & Twerk – Mechanism Design

I created these projects to illustrate using stepper motors and mechanisms. One is a twerk bot based on Miley Cyrus’

fortune telling robot arm

Fortune Telling Robot Arm

I worked with Will to program this robot arm to predict your fortune – nods ‘yes’ and ‘no’.

Open Source Limb Control

We created an API for the body, allowing remote control over the internet (iPhone accelerometer in the video) or through local devices (flex sensor attached to skeleton in the video).

EL wire bra on mannequin

EL Wire Bra

My role: model, some stitchingWorked with: Pia Z.

Jie Qi

Jie Qi visiting the Tech Crafts class at @itp_nyu (at ITP)

Wag Sensor

A device that relays a dog’s emotions in LEDs: here only detecting a wagging tail. The goal here was to