
Wag Sensor

A device that relays a dog’s emotions in LEDs: here only detecting a wagging tail. The goal here was to create a soft circuit that detects when a dog is wagging its tail – which then activates LEDs in a […]

Testing Velostat pressure sensor

Velostat is a cheap material to make a pressure sensor. Its flexible nature allows it to integrate into soft circuit applications. Here I tested a bit of it and found it capable of reading a nice range of output from

Line Following Robot

This is a line following Arduino robot I built at Metrix, my local makerspace. It was my first project with Arduino. It uses an LED to illuminate the ground in front of it, providing a high contrast surface to sense

Robotic Biomimetic Fish

For my senior design project in undergrad, I worked with a team on designing and building a robotic fish. This was part of a research project funded by the US Navy to increase the efficiency of underwater vehicles by mimicking