
Biomechanical Energy Harvesting

This paper and patent provided a detailed overview of an cool system for generating electrical power passively from everyday human movement. The unique thing about this system is that it uses generative braking – only providing resistance when the leg is trying

a moment that happened to you recently

Assignment: Choose a moment that happened to you recently and rework it seven times to reflect the different ways you can combine words and images.

Vitruvian Snow Angel

Blizzard Biomechanics (aka snow angels)

During the recent blizzard, I had a chance to explore the snow covered city. The artists of the Italian renaissance are often an inspiration to me; accordingly, I have a print of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man above my couch. On

Design a Data Service

Group project to design two different data services. Assignment: Come up with two ideas for a data service, with no restrictions on the number and type of data sets or sources you use. 3 slide presentations again. Be ready to

Images of myself

Concept visualization: from detail to idea. Images of myself

Wireframe of a data-visualization

Group project: Wireframe of a data-visualization to improve wonder.cdc.gov. Props to Shilpan who did the visuals! Assignment: Look at the CDC site and imagine an improvement – to the interface, the output, the context, whatever. Present this improvement in one sketch

Data Mashup

Assignment: in a group, brainstorm two ideas, each of which imagines using two data sources to create a third, combined use of that data that creates a new, useful thing Presentations:

Santa: Naughty or Nice

For my final project I decided to go with a holiday theme. Every year I attend an event called SantaCon; it’s a gathering of people dressed in Santa and other Christmas-themed costumes. When I was thinking about Santa, two concepts