

We learned about wireless sensor communication today and saw this cool video of a project using XBee

Windows 8 ship party photo booth

Windows 8 ship party

At the Windows 8 ship party, they had an interactive photo booth which would allow you to take a picture of yourself and digitally draw on the image. It was a mess. The booth was set up inside a tent

Biomechanical Energy Harvesting

This paper and patent provided a detailed overview of an cool system for generating electrical power passively from everyday human movement. The unique thing about this system is that it uses generative braking – only providing resistance when the leg is trying

Import a WordPress blog into Tumblr

Earlier this week I decided move an old self-hosted WordPress blog into Tumblr and discovered that there really weren’t any tools to import your existing WordPress content into your new Tumblog. So I built one. Import a WordPress blog into

live Where’s Waldo

live Where’s Waldo

Applications class: live Where’s Waldo using IP remote controled cameras (at Cantor Film Center)

Jie Qi

Jie Qi visiting the Tech Crafts class at @itp_nyu (at ITP)