
When Good Apps Go Bad

If you’re writing software we’re being trained to treat as omnipotent, the margin for error is quickly diminishing. Joel Johnson (Gizmodo – When Good Apps Go Bad)

Zune Mixview

Interesting: the first concept (where they are presenting works that are referenced-in and referencing the title in question) reminds me of the Zune Mixview (which shows artists who influence and are influenced-by the explored artist).

City of Toronto E-Waste

We want it! City of Toronto E Waste – Chuck & Vince (via spyfilms2009) – e-waste

Zune API

Zune API? Could be handy for some side projects:

apple fall 2010

Apple Announcements

I’ll be brief; well, maybe… Not many surprises (or any) in the announcements today, but there are a few thoughts/questions/takeaways that I have. Apple TV Naturally, as an AV geek I’m always interested in this type of thing. Cool that

palm pre camera

Palm Pre Exif Timestamp

Okay, I wrote this up a while back but now I’m on the HTC Evo with the oh-so-lovely Android OS. I’m putting this out there to help the Pre crowd. Overall, I was quite pleased with my Palm Pre. In particular, the camera is decent