ITP Class: Temporary Expert

Temporary Expert was a class at NYU ITP taught by Marina Zurkow.

High School of the Dead

I’m watching High School of the Dead

“Checking out foreign interpretations of zombies – Japanese here” I’m watching High School of the Dead Check-in to High School of the Dead on

The Truth Behind Zombies

I’m watching The Truth Behind Zombies

“A documentary exploring the potential for a real zombie outbreak, interviewing experts (Max Brooks, survivalists, epidemiologists, hypnotists) and looking at the roots of zombie lore in Haitian voodoo.” I’m watching The Truth Behind Zombies

Survival of the Dead

I’m watching Survival of the Dead

“The latest Romero zombie movie. This one seems to explore the latent humanity (or some echo of it) still lying within the undead.” I’m watching Survival of the Dead

Calls for Zombie Art

One concept I came up with was a projection in an open area that displays live data. It is a memorial wall for those lost to the plague. This could be tied to some simple game in and around the

Monster design

The Real Monsters (pt. 2) – Reborn

Along the lines of trolls/monsters in all of us, this brings a visage to internal mental workings. The Real Monsters are reborn!  Upon getting so much attention for my previous designs, I wanted to redesign the monsters and develop the

Troll statue under Fremont bridge in Seattle

Fremont Troll

The Troll is a mixed media colossal statue, located on N. 36th Street at Troll Avenue N., under the north end of the George Washington Memorial Bridge (also known as the Aurora Bridge). It is clutching an actual Volkswagen Beetle,