Carl’s Work

Mobile App Evolution

In addition to my company’s old website with community-driven content, we also had a mobile app. Initially there was audio fingerprinting (think Shazam) you could use to listen to what you are watching and it would find and display it. […]

Han Solo cup blaster

Han Solo Cup

My Halloween costume started with some word play: Han Solo + Solo cups. The most practical form for this in costume was to make Han Solo’s blaster out of red Solo cups.

Golf Channel

We launched a collaboration with the golf channel. Shop for what the players are wearing and using (gear!). Also see player stats. This weekend for the tour championship!

Evolution of the tagged video UI

Our viewer interface has evolved a bit since the beginning. Usability and A/B testing, feedback from network execs/UX designers/lawyers, feedback from partner marketers, and more has shaped the product to what it is today. The first iteration of our product

pill piece (aka doped up)

Doped Up

I collaborated on this piece – commentary about the over-prescribing of drugs in America. It is meant to be an interactive piece in an art gallery. My role: technical consulting, circuit design, programming, solderingWorked with: Sharon

Mobile Shoppable Video

For this project I was designing a version of our shoppable video interface condensed for mobile viewing. Our desktop interface has a pop-out detail view which is too wide for the popular phones on the market; additionally, the interface depended on

Laptop surgery

Laptop surgery #MacbookAir – thanks @iFixit !

Molecular Gastronomy Spherification

Molecular gastronomy is a cooking style that uses unconventional techniques to create a dish. Often, you’ll craft something that will look like one thing, but be made from something else entirely; in this case, I made a sunny-side up egg